The F Place Book
Authors: Sonal Trivedi and Christine Strobush
If you're looking for a book that you simply can't put down...
Rather than bore the listener with another leadership philosophy, The F Place uses a captivating storytelling approach to illustrate how to successfully navigate personal and professional change. Journey with these characters as they engage in political warfare, fight for their personal relationships, and apply The COMO Factor, choosing to succeed even in the unprecedented year of 2020.

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4.9 Rating
LOVED The F Place!!! I'm not much of a reader and find it very difficult to stick to reading any book from front to back. NOT THIS TIME!!! I was gripped by the storyline, the characters, and the suspense. Honestly, it doesn't matter what business, industry, profession, etc. you're in, there is no doubt you have known one or more of these character types in real life!
I could NOT wait for one character in particular to get what was coming to her! I am actually reading The F Place for the 2nd time and can't believe I'm reading some instances I totally missed the first time! This is an absolute MUST READ! Buy a 2nd copy for a friend like I did, too!!! Any book that can keep me engaged is a #1 best seller on my list!! I hope there is a sequel!!
Having been snowed in Dallas for the last 3 days, I had the opportunity to dive right in with no distractions. Great read next to a fireplace to feel the intensity and complex characters throughout this great storytelling, twisting tale.I found myself reliving some of the situations the characters were dealing with and had some flash backs of how some of the folks early in my career acted and realize their whole motives. To say the least, I found the story line believable and relevant to current events and how upper level management really see themselves and others in the reporting chain. It really hit home the true meaning of Transforming a Culture vs the pretty banners and gimmick phases that you see company's post on their lobby walls. This story reinstated for me that sticking to your values and integrity go further than the company line. Make no mistake, you're measured by your actions and execution to the promises and commitments to others, the trick is to not veer off the right path because of other influences.
- PT
I read this book in two days, extremely fast for me! I couldn’t get enough of the characters and wanted to know more about how the story would unfold. It was a great mix of personal events and work topics, weaving in transformation with ease. I thoroughly enjoyed and I am excited for the sequel!
- Anne

Ready to find one of your favorite book reads this year?
The F Place book, is a culmination of unforgettable characters, compelling storytelling, and suspensful twists!
We can't emphasize enough how genuinely shocked you'll be when you get to the ending, and we know that you'll be hooked from the beginning.